Moby Stick
After more than 17 years on stage together, Moby Stick are bursting with energy and joy of playing more than ever. The 7 Salzburg musicians deliver concentrated energy and good vibes for the young and young-at-heart. Get ready for their uniquely fresh sound that mixes roots reggae with live dub, hip-hop grooves, afrobeats and soul.
vocals, guitar: Raphael Schwarzacher
drums, vocals: Thomas Mantl
saxophone, percussion: Vitus Denifl
keyboard, vocals: David Ronacher
guitar: Florian Fürhapter
bass: Martin Forster
trumpet: David Saudek
9. December ’23
Spiegelzelt at Volksgarten
Ticketpreise: Erwachsene 20€ I Kinder 15€ I Studierende 10€ I Kombiticket mit Circusshow 10€